Facing COVID19

We’re hearing a lot of people say that we’re all in this together but, in reality, everyone is in a very different boat in terms of living situation, housing security, income, savings, family support, schooling, work and physical & mental health. We’re sending love to everyone out there doing it tough and especially to our First Nations brothers and sisters.

wukalina Walk has unfortunately had to end the season early because there’s nothing more important to us than making sure our guides and staff and the whole community stay safe. First Nations peoples are among the most vulnerable groups on this continent today, especially our beloved Elders, and we put them first.

As Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people it’s in our DNA to adapt to change and the fact that we are still here today is testament to our extraordinary strength and resilience. The First Nations peoples of this continent are the longest surviving cultures in civilisation on this planet and we have no intention of giving up that crown.

Stay safe everyone and we look forward to welcoming you back to walk with us down the track.

yamina (grass tree) | wukalina Walk, lutruwita/Tasmania

Elspeth Callender